我司专业从事再生塑料行业30余年,有丰富的行业经验,致力于为客户提供高品质再生塑料解决方案。 我司主要产品零溴/低溴环保级再生HIPS,原材料源自欧美食品级包装材料的边角料。本产品可以作为数码电子设备、移动终端、家用电器外壳的主材料,还适用于作为改性基材。品质符合欧盟RoHS标准、REACH标准以及美国TSCA标准。公司配备专业实验室和完整的检测设备,对原材料、半成品、成品跟踪监督品质,确保为客户提供最优质稳定的产品。 LIMITED,从事各类海外资源贸易,再生塑料、再生五金、塑料颗粒、塑料成品等。并面向全球长期大量采购各类再生塑料。
Waste plastics: Domestic EPS prices fell today. It is reported that Jiangsu area enterprise general material cash factory, the actual transaction to discuss. General market trading, buying stick to just need or digest inventory, as far as possible to slow the pace of the market. Traders follow the market, appropriate interest to go single. In the morning Jiangsu styrene market center of gravity continued to fall. Period spot resonance down, the basis/monthly difference are narrowed, the spot market just need to deal, other replacement transactions are also in the majority. Current spot talks are declining